Tuesday, November 7, 2017


I haved received e-mails from several students over the past few days from the last two CISSP classes, stating that they had passed the CISSP exam.



Rob Keller

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Cs.signal.army.mil is temporarily down

https://cs.signal.army.mil and all sub-domains are currently down.

Our team of experts are working to correct the issue;  we hope to have the server(s) back up and running within the next 24 hours.


Rob Keller

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Update on NEW CISSP exam - Expected Release Date is APRIL 2018

Please know that our team of experts at Fort Gordon are already conducting research, creating course material, etc. in order to prep our students with any and all the information and strategies they will need to know to successfully pass the 6 hour, 250 question CISSP exam (April 2018).

Note, there will still be 8 (eight) domains.

(ISC)2-CISSP Exam fee is $699.00

Please see the below URL for up-to-date pricing on (ISC)2's CISSP exam:



Rob Keller

Monday, September 25, 2017


Effective 01OCT2017, (ISC)2's  CISSP exam will cost $699.00.

Currently, the exam costs $599.00.  

For those planning on sitting for the exam within the next few weeks, I would strongly encourage you to purchase a voucher before 01OCT2017, and schedule your exam within the weeks to follow.

Please remember that for (ISC)2's CISSP exam, if one has to reschedule, there is a $50.00 fee EACH time one reschedules said exam.

Wishing you all the best!


Rob Keller

Sunday, September 10, 2017


Please do not give to charities blindly.

Unfortunately, while most charities are respectable organizations, there are some that may take advantage of one's goodwill.  Just because one sees an advertisement on Television does not mean that the charity organization is legitimate or that the majority of one's donation will actually go to helping the victims.

Please do your research!

One of the best site that I have found is:


Uitilizing https://www.charitynavigator.org  one can see the independent, non-biased ratings of charities, which are rated on a 4 star scale, with 4 (four) stars being the highest rated (best).

Please give, but give responsibly.  Again, visit:  https://www.charitynavigator.org


Rob Keller

Friday, September 8, 2017

CSTC Detrick has successfully upgraded PVUE system(s) ... We are ALIVE and ready for testing effective immediately.

CSTC Detrick's PVUE Test Center is up and running, and ready for testing effective immediately.



Rob Keller
Site Lead/ Cyber Security Instructor


Chris Stone
Cyber Security Instructor

Thursday, September 7, 2017

CSTC is upgrading PVUE - There will be NO EXAMS ADMINISTERED ON FRIDAY (08SEP2017)

We apologize for any inconveniences. 

Please understand that as a term of being an Accredited PVUE Testing Center, we are required to upgrade our system once every 6 (six) months. 

The PVUE site at CSTC Detrick WILL be up and running by COB Friday (08SEP2017).

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Sunday, September 3, 2017

Detrick's CSTC FY18 Training Schedule/ Calendar is now complete and can be reached at: HTTPS://CS.SIGNAL.ARMY.MIL/FTDETRICK/ENROLLMENT2018.ASP


NOTE:  We have recently updated Fort Detrick's CSTC Training Schedule and Calendar for FY18.  

This is the final, official Training Schedule/ Calendar for FY18, which has been "blessed" by Fort Gordon. *

The aforementioned Training Schedule/ Calendar can be found at the following URL:  


It is effective starting 01SEP2017 (Friday) at 1400 HRS.

*  Subject to change.

Fort Detrick's CSTC will be CLOSED this Monday (04SEP2017) in observance of Labor Day.

Please note that Fort Detrick's CSTC will be CLOSED this Monday (04SEP2017) in observance of Labor Day.  No Class, No Testing, No tutoring, etc.

From the instructors at Detrick's CSTC, we hope you enjoy the holiday with family and friends, drive safely, and be safe!


Remember that most accidents (auto-related) occur within 1 (one) mile of one's home.  PEOPLE:  PLEASE BE SAFE!


Happy Labor Day Weekend!


Rob Keller


NOTE:  We have recently updated Fort Detrick's CSTC Training Schedule and Calendar for FY18.  

This is the final, official Training Schedule/ Calendar for FY18, which has been "blessed" by Fort Gordon. *

The aforementioned Training Schedule/ Calendar can be found at the following URL:  


It is effective starting 01SEP2017 (Friday) at 1400 HRS.

*  Subject to change.

Sunday, July 2, 2017

Fort Detrick's CSTC Will be Closed on 04JUL2017 (Tuesday) in Observance of Independance Day Holiday!

We will re-open at 0800 HRS. on Wednesday (05JUL2017).

CI03-17 is FULL!

Fort Detrick's Cyber Security Training Center (CSTC) would like to inform all DoD personnel that our final CISSP class for this fiscal year (FY17) - CI03-17 -  is 100% full. 

All potential students for CI03-17 for which we received enrollment requests, that were digitally signed by IAMs and all information was completed, including the "Statement of Eligibility," will be processed NLT 07JUL2017 (Friday).

We are happy to announce that Fort Detrick's CSTC will publish it's FY18 training calendar within the next 4-6 weeks.  We have increased the total number of CISSP classes in order to meet the demand of the area.

Congratulations to All CI02-17 Students Who PASSED the CISSP exam!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Fort Detrick's Cyber Security Training Center is happy to announce one of its most successful CISSP classes - so far.

Of the 10 (ten) candidates sitting for the CISSP exam for the first time, 8 (eight) passed this rigorous, 6 hour, 250 question exam this past Friday.  Please note that this includes updates from those taking the exam "out-of-area," immediately after taking our course at Detrick's Cyber Security Training Center.



Rob K.

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Fort Detrick's CSTC WILL continue instructing CISSP courses/ classes - effective immediately

More to come within the next 24 hours.

Furthermore, please note that if you have already submitted an enrollment request for CISSP (CI02-CI03) for FY2017, your enrollment requests will be processed NLT this Friday (05MAY2017).

Thank you for your patience!


Rob Keller

Cell:  202.750.1469

Fort Detrick will no longer instruct CASP courses/ classes - effective immediately

More to come within the next 24 hours.

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Net Present Value Calculations: CASP and CISSP students

Please see the following site:  http://www.mathsisfun.com/money/net-present-value.html

Fort Detrick is CLOSED for Tuesday (14MAR2017)

Ft. Detrick has officially closed for Tuesday (14MAR2017).

Please note the following:

"Nallin Farm Gate will remain open while Fort Detrick is closed.  All traffic in and out of the installation will use Nallin Farm Gate.  All traffic in and out of the installation will use Nallin Farm Gate.  All other gates will remain closed until the installation re-opens.  Then all gates will resume normal operating hours."

Ft. Detrick


Tuesday, December 27, 2016


First and foremost, Happy Holidays!
Just a friendly reminder that the training center will be closed until 03JAN2017. 

We will re-open at 0800 HRS. on 03JAN2017 (Tuesday).

Be safe, drive safely, happy studies and happy holidays!

Warmest Regards,

Rob Keller
Site Lead/ Cyber Security Instructor