Please note that Fort Detrick's CSTC will be CLOSED this Monday
(04SEP2017) in observance of Labor Day. No Class, No Testing, No
tutoring, etc.
From the instructors at Detrick's CSTC, we hope you enjoy the holiday with family and friends, drive safely, and be safe!
Remember that most accidents (auto-related) occur within 1 (one) mile of one's home. PEOPLE: PLEASE BE SAFE!
Happy Labor Day Weekend!
Rob Keller
NOTE: We have recently updated Fort Detrick's CSTC Training Schedule and Calendar for FY18.
This is the final, official Training Schedule/ Calendar for FY18, which has been "blessed" by Fort Gordon. *
The aforementioned Training Schedule/ Calendar can be found at the following URL:
It is effective starting 01SEP2017 (Friday) at 1400 HRS.
* Subject to change.
The Cyber Security Training Center at Fort Detrick, Maryland is a mirror site of the School of Information Technology and Cyber Leader College at Fort Gordon, Georgia. Fort Detrick's students are primarily those members of the Department of Defense and United States Government employees in the Washington DC Metro area. Our students also include all personnel from Virginia to Maine, and includes all US Government Employees worldwide.