Saturday, September 3, 2016

To my former NET+ (N003-16) Students/ current NET+ Candidates:

1. MUST - Please remember to review Chpts. 11, and 13 in your text book. This is imperative!!! If I were sitting for the N10-006 exam, I would probably read Chapter 13 twice (2X).

2. MUST - Please remember to go through all of the practice tests - both on CD and in hard copy (The Pre-Assessment Practice Tests - A,B, and C.

 3. OPTIONAL - If you are running short on time, please read the Net+ Study Guide on your CD.

 4. MUST - Do NOT forget the "BUT," "EXCEPT," "NOT," and other key words we discussed in class, as it relates to strategy. Speaking of strategy, a highly recommended one is to immediately flag any simulation-type question(s), and complete it (them) at the end (Give yourself a good twenty (20) minutes to complete the simulation(s) towards the end of the exam).

 5. Remember: You need 720 points - on a scaled score - to pass this exam.

Happy Studies,

Robert Keller