To my former NET+ (N003-16) Students/ current NET+ Candidates:
1. MUST - Please remember to review Chpts. 11, and 13 in your text book. This is imperative!!! If I were sitting for the N10-006 exam, I would probably read Chapter 13 twice (2X).
2. MUST - Please remember to go through all of the practice tests - both on CD and in hard copy (The Pre-Assessment Practice Tests - A,B, and C.
3. OPTIONAL - If you are running short on time, please read the Net+ Study Guide on your CD.
4. MUST - Do NOT forget the "BUT," "EXCEPT," "NOT," and other key words we discussed in class, as it relates to strategy. Speaking of strategy, a highly recommended one is to immediately flag any simulation-type question(s), and complete it (them) at the end (Give yourself a good twenty (20) minutes to complete the simulation(s) towards the end of the exam).
5. Remember: You need 720 points - on a scaled score - to pass this exam.
Happy Studies,
Robert Keller
The Cyber Security Training Center at Fort Detrick, Maryland is a mirror site of the School of Information Technology and Cyber Leader College at Fort Gordon, Georgia. Fort Detrick's students are primarily those members of the Department of Defense and United States Government employees in the Washington DC Metro area. Our students also include all personnel from Virginia to Maine, and includes all US Government Employees worldwide.