Tuesday, December 13, 2016

URGENT: S006-17 Security+ Students at CSTS: Porter Street closed tomorrow ....


I received an e-mail from USAEA stating the following:

"Beginning tomorrow (14DEC2016), Porter Street will be closed to thru traffic between the intersection of Porter/Doughton to the opening of Building 1500.  The entrances to Building 1500 and the Exchange will be open during this time.  Detour routes are posted.  Visit the Fort Detrick Webpage or social media for updates."

I have confirmed this e-mail with the Ft. Detrick police department. 

Please plan on arriving a bit earlier than you normally would, as traffic will be congested.

I have been assured by Ft. Detrick Police that access to our building will not be blocked; please ensure that you bring your Visitor's badge with you to mitigate any potential further delays.

In the event that you have questions, please reference your blue contact page - handed out on Day 01 (Monday), and call or text me on the number provided at the very bottom of said page.  I am available 24/7 via text for you guys (ya'll).

Get some good rest.

We will start fresh with Network Threats and Vulnerabilities tomorrow at our regularly scheduled time and location.

Happy studies!


Rob Keller
Director/ Site Lead/ Cyber Security Instructor
Ft. Detrick